2021-05-13 ycdxsb research / windows16 分钟 读完 (大约 2344 个字)CVE-2020-1054 堆越界读写¶基本信息漏洞类型:内存越界读写漏洞漏洞位置:win32k!vStrWrite01+0x36a阅读更多
2021-05-12 ycdxsb papers / security / automatic_analyse12 分钟 读完 (大约 1812 个字)Detecting Code Clones with Graph Neural Network and Flow-Augmented Abstract Syntax Tree(SANER 2020)¶基本介绍是一篇源代码和源代码相似性检测的论文,采用FA-AST构造图,然后使用图神经网络进行相似度计算阅读更多
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2021-10-22Detecting Missed Security Operations Through Differential Checking of Object-based Similar Paths(CCS 2021)papers / security / automatic_analyse